New Mechanical Test

This is a project created for Game Maker's Tool Kit Game Jam last week, Its the first game jam I've ever participated in, and really the first game with actual gameplay that I have shared publicly. The theme for the jam was Scale and we took this as literally as possible and made a hunting game about killing lice. Today I uploaded a test build for some graphical changes and new mechanics though the game loop is currently missing beyond the hunting aspect as I am currently reworking the boss room and adding a couple new platforming segments. 

I have been really enjoying using a mouse to draw all the things I want to see quickly, it is turning into an aesthetic language of its own that I never thought I would actually like. With most projects I take on, the first step is always to see a mouchette. This is essentially that though I think this look has a firm grasp on the whole development process and is probably with us for the long haul. 

There are a few big issues that I am focusing on right now:

Onboarding sequence
Adding Ai Variety
The fleeing and fear behavior of the AI
the lack of any real consequence (since you are the predator, and I hate fall damage)
Save system and progression for moving between levels
Diversify economy of items

What we really want is to make the process of searching fun. In the end, it should be more about searching and the unknown than the actual bodycount


Follicull (In Development) 562 MB
Sep 02, 2024

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